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Eid Mubarak Nicholas Hawksmoor

Today’s assembly was extra special as Mrs Arif shared lots with us about Ramadan & the festival of Eid in the Islamic faith, particularly about her own celebrations with her family over the weekend!

We learnt that the similarities between Ramadan and Lent were very apparent: giving up something for an extended period of time to encourage self-restraint and reflect on the importance of avoiding temptations.

Also with Divali in the Hindu religion, a time for ‘spring cleaning’ and taking the time to prepare homes and make them welcoming for visitors.

We also found out that Eid was a celebration of the ending of the fasting period and much like Christmas, a celebration with family, food and presents over a period of a few days.

There is much that major world religions have in common, and regardless of whether you practise a faith or not, there is certainly a lot that can be learned from them all.

The part that stuck with us the most was how Mrs Arif described the wise words from her father: that Ramadan was a time to recharge your soul much like a battery, to prepare you for the year ahead.

Eid Mubarak Nicholas Hawksmoor!