Home / Blue Butterfly Project, Online Safety + Reception Exciting Visitors – Part 3

Blue Butterfly Project, Online Safety + Reception Exciting Visitors – Part 3


As part of anti-bullying week, we were visited by our local Police Community Support Officers, Nicole & Charlotte.

They delivered two assemblies to the children around the Blue Butterfly Project – a local initiative that encourages children to share their worries or ‘butterflies in their tummies’ with trusted adults, along with the importance of kindness and keeping themselves safe.

In addition they talked about road safety, particularly as the nights are drawing in and safety out and about on thes streets.

With our older children they shared a video about the potential dangers of being online, being safe and communicating with ‘friends’ who they meet whilst gaming or surfing on the internet. This is a very important message for our children to hear as they find themselves with greater access and freedoms as they get older. I’ve shared a link to the resource they used in assembly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhjCt4vnT84

Our PCSOs were very busy today, as they wrapped up their time with us with a visit to Reception as part of their work around ‘people who help us’ – the children were very exicted to see the police car and hear the sirens in action!

A really valuable day for all involved!