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Being Your Best

Today’s assembly was all about ‘Being Your Best’.

This term in Health and Wellbeing lessons, all the children will be exploring this concept in their lessons. We shared some examples of challenges that we have faced or are facing, from tying shoelaces to preparing for exams. The main theme for the children was that when we take on challenges, it is not about being ‘the’ best, but trying to be the best that we can be.

I shared a clip of Olympian, Derek Redmond (who is very much a local hero having attended Roade School), whose 400m semi-final was destroyed due to a torn hamstring at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992. I remember it well from my childhood as I am sure many of you will too, and it was a powerful message about determination and will to achieve your goals, in the face of difficult challenges. The moment his dad joins him on the track to support him complete his race will break even the toughest characters out there!

Overall the message for the children was a continuation of our work on resilience and determination that we have been addressing throughout this year. To always give our best efforts, regardless of the final outcome. A message that will resonate with our Year 6s as their SATs are almost upon them. In this modern world, we are sometimes too focused on winning, rather than the taking part. As the founder of the modern Olympics, Pierre de Coubertin said: ‘The most important thing is not to win, but to take part.’ Or as Mrs Gosling reminded me, ‘it is not the destination, but the journey.’

Enjoy the video – I challenge you not to get emotional watching it!
