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Anger Management

This afternoon our assembly explored the feeling of anger! Apologies to the Year 1 children who got covered in soda water as I shook up a bottle to demonstrate my rage as I described each element of my ‘angry’ morning and all its frustrations – waking up late, squirting toothpaste down me, not being able to find my keys, stubbing my toe, forgetting my charger and then a final straw after I discovered Mr Fulford had eaten the last of our snacks!

We discussed how my responses didn’t help me and how it was important to learn to recognise our feelings and use strategies for managing the feelings of anger we may have in response to pain, fear, frustration, upset, disappointment, which are normal feelings we all experience. We explored techniques for doing this that can help everyone, including……

In the Red Zone
Stop and think
Realise that you are becoming cross and are feeling more angry.
Stop what you are doing
Make sensible choices

Steady yourself and take deep breaths. Count to 20
Walk away
Ask for a break
Find a safe space
Ask for help

Go on calmly… be aware that you are calmer.